As a reference for installing a database or a required Javascript library, please consult the help files under Installation. Datenbankverwaltung/JavaScript-Bibliotheken.

The Zoo database is comprised of information about some of the animals at Schönnbrunn Zoo, which have been recorded according to their taxonomic classification.

Information pertaining to sex, number of animals in captivity, specific endangerment status and unique location on Google Maps, has been saved under the description of each species.The  ITIS (Integrated Taxonomic Information System) served as a reference tool for importing the species into the database. 

The IoT database, see details,  enables single board computers like the Rasberry PI, to record diverse data and metriculate it into a database through the usage of a REST interface. The user can edit this data, while it is being displayed in graphic form and define its role for usage with sensors/measured values.

* Required JavaScript-library

The blood results database records the comprehensive blood levels of a patient in the form of diagnostic results. 


The  Address database visually organises a simple database of addresses.

The PDB database contains the data from some recorded proteins, displayed in 3D form. With the help of the ChemDoodleWeb JS-library, the proteins were able to be displayed with three dimensional graphics.

* Required JavaScript library

The Test database integrates diverse template engines like FreeMarker and Velocity with PHP and external JS libraries, demonstrating the potential of the TreeDB software. In our example, MathJax is used to aid the display of mathematic formulas and equations in LaTeX and MathML formatting for an external JS library.

* Required JavaScript library